Here are some new photos of Lindsay Lohan arriving in LA last night. She’s been in New York for weeks, partying and promoting Liz & Dick, but I guess her lawyer told her she needed to get her ass back to LA because an arrest was coming down. Do you buy that? That Lindsay returned to LA so that she could make it easier on the cops who are about to arrest her? I’m not sure I believe it, mostly because Lindsay has a history of ducking out of her legal obligations and being crackie in Europe. As you can see, Lindsay’s time in New York was especially rough on her. She looks like a cracked-out vampire – all white, bloated skin and puffy-faced, with those budget-looking extensions about to fall out. She must have partied HARD right before she left New York.

As I said earlier, sources close to LA County law enforcement are still saying that her arrest could come any day now. Once she’s arrested, TMZ says that her probation will be revoked immediately. And now Hollywood Life says that Lindsay will “for certain” face jail time. As many of you pointed out, even if Lindsay does have her probation revoked and she’s “sent to jail,” it will likely only be for a few hours or maybe a day, tops. Of course, I have a question for all of you legal experts out there – if her probation is revoked, would she even be eligible for bail or bond? Wouldn’t the sheer fact of revoking her probation mean a “default” to her old sentence, which was something like six months in jail? Still, overcrowding, etc. My point is that if Lindsay goes to jail, the only way she’ll get out is by the “overcrowding” excuse – I don’t think she’ll be able to post a bond for herself.
Also: these quotes are floating around. I think they’re recent:

Lindsay Lohan has never been in ”true love”.

The 26-year-old actress – who previously had a long-term relationship with DJ Samantha Ronson and has been linked to James Franco – would relish the opportunity to fall in love, but has not found it has happened for her yet.

She said: ”I love being in love, and I want to be in love like that, too. I haven’t had that true love that, yes, is so scary, but you go through all those wonderful experiences. I’m looking forward to that.”

Instead, Lindsay relies heavily on her mother Dina Lohan – with who she has had fallings out in the past, and once accused of being on cocaine – and enjoys the relationship they have.

She added to Hello! magazine: ”My mother’s the strongest person I know. There’s a certain bond that a mother and daughter create when there’s not a fatherly figure in your life and my mother and I have that.”

[From Contact Music]

Poor Cracken. She’s never had “true love”. Oh, wait. She totally has. She has a “true love” for crack. For coke. For alcohol. For narcissism. For crack drama. Those are all her true loves. That, and I actually believe she was in love with Samantha Ronson. It was probably more of an “obsession” though.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
